TouchNet is the student account and billing system used by ߲ݴý University. Students, and their designated Authorized Users*, use the system to view e-statements and student account activity; establish monthly payment plans; view 1098-T statements; and make electronic payments.
Student Access to TouchNet
Students access TouchNet through the ߲ݴý Portal. Under Banner Self-Service, click Accounts and choose View/Pay E-bill. (For Authorized User access to TouchNet, see below.)
*Establish Authorized User(s)
Designate a parent, guardian or other as an Authorized User. As such, they can: Receive e-statement notifications; view your student account information; view your 1098T statement; and make payments on your behalf.
- Sign in to TouchNet. Under “My Profile Setup” select “Authorized Users.”
- Provide the email address for your authorized user(s) and choose their level of access.
- Authorized Users will receive an email notification confirming their authorization and instructions on next steps.
Authorized User Access to TouchNet
Authorized Users access their student’s account information through a designated site.
Troubleshooting TouchNet
Students and Authorized Users access TouchNet in different ways. Be sure you login the appropriate way (see above).
The TouchNet site will lock a user out after a failed attempt to log-in. After being locked out, a user must wait at least 30 minutes before attempting to log-in again, even using the newly acquired temporary password.
Other Payment Options
To review other payment options, please see the Student Accounts page.