
Daniel Tober

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Daniel Tober

Assistant Professor of the Classics

Department/Office Information

  • MW 1:20pm - 2:50pm (LAWR 21C)


Ph.D, Classics and Program in the Ancient World, Princeton University, 2013

AM, Classical Philology, Harvard University, 2008

MPhil, Ancient History, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 2002

B.A., Greek and Latin, Brown University, 2000

  • Greek and Roman Historiography
  • Local Identity, Social Memory, and the Construction of Community
  • Greece and Persia
  • Hellenistic Athens


  • Greek and Roman History
  • Greek and Latin Historiography
  • Greek and Latin Language and Literature

‘Greek Local History and the Shape of the Past’, in W. Pohl and V. Wieser (eds.), Historiographies of Identity Vol. 1: Historiographies as Reflection about Community: Ancient and Christian Models (Brepols 2019), 133-56.

‘Megarians’ Tears: Localism and Dislocation in Megarian Memory’, in H. Beck and P J. Smith (eds.), Megarian Moments. The Local World of an Ancient Greek City-State, Teiresias Supplements, Volume 1 (2018), 183-207.

‘Greek Local Historiography and Its Audiences’, Classical Quarterly 67.2 (2017): 460-84. 

‘Politeiai and Spartan Local History’, Historia 59.4 (2010): 412-31.

‘῾Ηρακλῆς κάρρων, Σέλευκε: Resistance and History in Pontic Herakleia’, in P. Kosmin and I. Moyer (eds.), Cultures of Resistance in the Hellenistic East (OUP, forthcoming 2020).

‘Greek Local Identities’, in V. Manolopoulou, J. Skinner, and C. Tsouparopoulou (eds.), Identities in Antiquity (in Routledge’s Rewriting Antiquity Series) (Routledge, forthcoming 2020).

Selected commentaries in in I. Worthington (ed.), Brill’s New Jacoby, Second Edition (forthcoming).

Selected entries in C. Baron (ed.), The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Wiley, forthcoming, fall 2020).

  • CLAS 236: The Ancient Greeks
  • CLAS 237: Ancient Rome
  • FSEM 167: Alexander the Great: Fact & Fiction
  • CORE 151: Legacies of Antiquity
  • GREK 310: Homer’s Odyssey
  • GREK 320: Herodotus
  • LATN 237: Readings from Livy
  • LATN 202: Readings from Vergil
  • LATN 121/2: Elementary Latin
  • LATN 201: Elementary Latin II