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Martin Wong
Professor of Earth and Environmental Geosciences
Teaching associate, University of California, Santa Barbara
Extensional tectonics and rifting, metamorphic core complex formation, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and thermochronology, application of thermochronology to tectonic problems, geology and tectonics of the western U.S. and Northwestern Mexico
(*indicates undergraduate student author)
Wong, M. S., Williams, M.L., McLelland, J.M., Jercinovik, M.J., and Kowalkoski, J.*, 2012, Late Ottawan extension in the eastern Adirondack Highlands: Evidence from structural studies and zircon and monazite geochronology, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 124, p. 857-869.
Wong, M. S., Peck, W.H., Selleck, B.W., Catalano, J.P.*, Hochman, S.D.*, and Maurer, J.T.*, 2011, The Black Lake shear zone: A boundary between terranes in the Adirondack Lowlands, Grenville Province, Precambrian Research, v. 188, 57-72, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2011.04.001
Wong, M. S., P. B. Gans, and J. Scheier* (2010), The 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of core complexes and other basement rocks in Sonora, Mexico: Implications for Cenozoic tectonic evolution of northwestern Mexico, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B07414, doi:10.1029/2009JB007032
Wong, M. S., and P. B. Gans (2008), Geologic, structural, and thermochronologic constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Sierra Mazatán core complex, Sonora, Mexico: New insights into metamorphic core complex formation, Tectonics, 27, TC4013, doi:10.1029/2007TC002173
Wong, M., and Gans, P.B., 2003, Tectonic implications of early Miocene extensional unroofing of the Sierra Mazatan metamorphic core complex, Sonora, Mexico: Geology, v. 31, no. 11, p. 953-956.
Bleacher, J.E., Sakimoto, S.E.H., Garvin, J.B., and Wong, M., 2003, Deflation/erosion rates for the Parva Member, Dorsa Argentea Formation and implications for the south polar region of Mars: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 108, n. E7, p. 5075-5087.