
Winter 2024–25 Grant Awards and Proposals

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Grant Opportunities

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Recent Awards and Submissions

Fellowship Awards

Heather Roller, History and Environmental Studies
National Endowment for the Humanities
A Social and Environmental History of Agrichemicals

Ryan Hall, History and Native American Studies 
Newberry Library

John Crespi, East Asian Languages and Literatures 
National Endowment for the Humanities 
Reality and Seriality in The Wandering Life of Sanmao, 1947-1948

Sponsored Research Grant Awards

Aubreya Adams, Earth and Environmental Geosciences
National Science Foundation
Supplement to RUI: Lithospheric Velocity Structure and Anisotropy of the Alaskan Subduction Margin

Ken Belanger, Biology
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
Fire and carbon in an arid karst landscape

Enrique Galvez, Physics & Astronomy
National Science Foundation
RUI: Three Dimensional Complex Light Forms

Ewa Galaj, Psychological and Brain Sciences
National Institutes of Health via SUNY Binghamton
The impact of adolescent alcohol exposure on pontomesencephalic cholinergic neurons mediating conditioned reinforcement learning

Enrique Galvez, Physics & Astronomy
National Science Foundation
Supplement to: RUI: Three-Dimensional Spatial and Polarization Modes in Classical and Quantum Light Fields  

Jessica Graybill, Russian & Eurasian Studies
UK Economic Social Research Council via University of Birmingham
Eurasian Poles and Peripheries in Transformation: Orders, Interactions, Anxieties, and Implications

Jason Keith, Chemistry
National Science Foundation via The University of Iowa
Synthesis of Ligan-Centered Boron Cations to Access Tandem Reactions with Transition Metals

Michael Levere, Economics
Social Security Administration via University of Chicago
Using ABLE accounts to promote self-sufficiency and employment for SSI recipients

Jonathan Levine, Physics & Astronomy
NASA via Southwest Research Institute
DIMPLE: Dating and Irregular Mare Patch with a Lunar Explorer

Joseph Levy, Earth & Environmental Geosciences
NASA via Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Joseph Levy, Earth & Environmental Geosciences
National Science Foundation
Supplement to CAREER: Linking Antarctic Cold Desert Groundwater to Thermokarst & Chemical Weathering in Partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy

Nicholas Moore, Mathematics
Office of Naval Research
New Models to Characterize and Predict Rare Events in Complex Physical Systems

Rebecca Shiner, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Writing a Meaning of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Single-Session Narrative Intervention to Promote 'a world of meaning' in Young Adults
International Society for the Science of Existential Psychology

Institutional Grant Awards

A. Lindsay and Olive B. O’Connor Foundation
2024-25 Scholarship Grant for Students from Delaware County, NY
Financial Aid

Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
Planning Grant: Best Practices in Promoting Civil Discourse on Campus
Lesleigh Cushing, Dean of the Faculty
David Dudrick, Philosophy

CNY Humanities Corridor
CLAC Learning Community & Fall Reading Circle; Spring Roundtable Discussion with Dr. India Plough
Cory Duclos, Keck Center for Language Study

CNY Humanities Corridor
Early Modern Hispanic Studies. 4th Annual Conference
Fernando Plata Parga, Romance Languages and Literatures

CNY Humanities Corridor
Language on the Margins: Poetry in Quechua and Bable
Chrystian Zegarra, Romance Languages

Davis United World College Scholars Program
Davis UWC scholarships 2023-2024

Louis Rakin Foundation
Constitutional Democracy Project
Valerie Morkevicius, Political Science

Max Kade Foundation
Max Kade Language Center, Library needs and Equipment
Matthew Miller, German

Middlebury College
Projects for Peace 2024 
Peacebuilding Through Cultural Heritage Protection Assessment (Yiduo He ’24)
Jeremy Wattles, The Max A. Shacknai Center for Outreach, Volunteerism and Education (COVE)

National Science Foundation
CC* Campus Compute: º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Compute Acceleration for Research and Education
Niranjan Davray, Information Technology
Kai Tsoukalas, Information Technology
Anthony Chianese, Chemistry
Michael Loranty, Geography
Grusha Prasad, Computer Science

National Science Foundation
Equipment: MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of a FE-SEM and associated detectors at º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ University
Martin Wong, Earth and Environmental Geosciences, with Ramesh Adhikari, Rebecca Metzler, and William Peck

National Endowment for the Humanities
2024 NEH Summer Institute: Abolitionism & the Underground Railroad
Graham Hodges, History

NBT Bank
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program
Nicole Simpson, Economics

NBT Bank
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program 2024 -2025
Nicole Simpson, Economics

New York State Education Department
Enhancing Supports and Services for Students with Disabilities
Evelyn Lester, Disability Services

Sponsored Research Proposals Submitted

Ramesh Adhikari, Physics & Astronomy
National Science Foundation
CAREER: Charge Transport in Self-Assembled Aromatic Amino Acid Structures and Their Composites

Aubreya Adams, Earth & Environmental Geosciences
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Advances in African Crust and Upper Mantle Dynamics from Seismology, Geodesy, and Geodynamics (with Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)

Aubreya Adams, Earth & Environmental Geosciences
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Volcano-Tectonic and Magma-Tectonic Processes During Early-Phase Continental Rifting (with Virginia Polytechnic Institute)

Noah Apthorpe, Computer Science
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Sloan Research Fellowship

April Baptiste, ENST & Africana and Latin American Studies
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Community Disaster Risk Perception, Negotiation, Preparation, Response, Resilience: A Collective Process Approach (subaward from Wake Forest University)

Jeff Bary, Physics and Astronomy
National Science Foundation
Constraining the Effects of Cool Spots on the Mass and Age Determinations of Young Low-mass Stars

Ken Belanger, Biology and Ahmet Ay, Biology and Mathematics
National Institutes of Health
Investigating the links between subconcussive head impacts and changes in the gut microbiome in college athletes

Annie Benn
Levin Center
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Congressional Oversight of Executive Order Implementation

Sally Bonet, Educational Studies
Spencer Foundation
Exploring the Potential of Private, Faith-based, Tuition-Free Education as Intervention in the Sudanese Refugee Crisis

Carolina Castilla, Economics
Center for Economic Policy Research
Planting a Business: Expanding Kitchen Gardens in Women Agri-businesses in India (with Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)

William Cipolli, Mathematics
Joshua Finnell, University Libraries
Allison Zengilowski, Psychological and Brain Sciences
Spencer Foundation
Building a Data Science Collaboratory to Lower Barriers to Quantitative Research and Education (with Hamilton College)

Erin Cooley, Psychological and Brain Science
Russell Sage Foundation
Perceptions of the Racial Economic Hierarchy Differentially Shape Americans’ Intergroup Prejudice and Immigration Policy Attitudes Based on their Racial/Ethnic Identity

Kristin De Lucia, Sociology & Anthropology
National Endowment for the Humanities
An Archaeology of the People at the Center of Xaltocan, Mexico

Ewa Galaj
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Sloan Research Fellowship

Isla Globus-Harris, Economics
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Sloan Research Fellowship

Jacob Goldberg, Chemistry
Organic Syntheses
Organic Syntheses Summer Student Funding

Jessica Graybill, Russian and Eurasian Studies
Towards Critical Sustainability in the Nordics (ToCSIN): Reshaping Arctic Sustainability Narratives for Community Well-being.
(with University of Lapland, Sámi University of Applied Sciences, University of Rhode Island, University of Iceland)

Bruce Hansen, Psychological and Brain Sciences
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: RUI: Learning Task-Relevant Visual Features from Language w/Barnard College

Gongfang Hu, Chemistry
American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund
Electrochemical S–H Bond Activation and Alkene Hydrothiolation with Heterobimetallic Cata;ysts Featuring Pnictogen Metals and Group 10 Transition Metals

Cosmin Ilie, Physics & Astronomy
National Science Foundation
RUI: Astrophysical probes of Dark Matter in the JWST era

Cosmin Ilie, Physics & Astronomy
National Science Foundation
RUI: The First Stars and Their Remnants Dark Matter Probes

Krista Ingram, Biology
Amazon Research Awards
Integrating Machine Learning into Conservation Science: Facial Recognition Tools to Inform Wild Seal Population Dynamics

Ana Jimenez, Biology
Impetus Grants
Body size, mitochondrial dysfunction, and aging: insights from man's best friend, the domestic dog (with Auburn University and University of Quebec at Rimouski)

Silvia Jimenez Bolanos, Mathematics
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Multiscale Analysis for Surface-Energetic Composites, with Kansas State University

Michael Levere, Economics
Social Security Administration via University of Wisconsin Madison
How Do Faster Disability Application Processing Times Influence Outcomes?

Michael Levere, Economics
Social Security Administration via Maryland Department of Disabilities
Assisting Children to SSI

Tim McCay, Biology
Assessing and Mitigating the Impact of Invasive Earthworms on Small Vegetable and Nursery Farms: An Integrated Research and Education Approach

Eric Muller
Department of Energy
Understanding Structure and Dynamics at the Solid-Liquid Interface with Vibrational Nano-spectroscopy (with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Anzela Niraula, Psychological and Brain Sciences
Eli Lilly
The prostaglandin PGE2 receptor EP4 as a therapeutic target against multiple sclerosis (MS)

Anne Perring, Chemistry
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
From Research to Action: Tackling Community Concerns through Synergistic GHG - Air Pollutant Monitoring and Modeling for Urban Resilience (with Northeastern University)

Frances Wang, Political Science
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
Buying Influence: Analyzing Chinese Outsourced Foreign Propaganda in Asia

Institutional Proposals Submitted

Institute of International Education (IIE) - Fulbright FLTA Program    
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant in Chinese 2024-25
Jing Wang, East Asian Languages & Literature

Institute of International Education (IIE) - Fulbright FLTA Program    
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant in Hebrew 2024-25
Noah Dauber, Jewish Studies

Institute of International Education (IIE) - Fulbright FLTA Program    
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant in Russian 2024-25
Mieka Erley, Russian & Eurasian Studies

National Endowment for the Arts
º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Writers Conference
Jennifer Brice, English

National Endowment for the Humanities
Mapping to Comprehend, Mapping to Protect
Padma Kaimal, Art & Art History

National Humanities Center
National Poetry Month Machines (Gachapon)
Josh Finnell, University Libraries

National Science Foundation
Equipment: MRI: Acquisition of Odyssey M Imaging Scanner for Research and Undergraduate Training
Ewa Galaj, Psychological and Brain Sciences, with Jacob Goldberg, Engda Hagos, Jenny Peeler, and Priscilla Van Wynsberghe

National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: REU Site: Microplastic Sources, Sinks, Transport and Environmental Impact across the Finger Lakes Watershed
Linda Tseng, Environmental Studies, Physics & Astronomy

National Science Foundation
Equipment: MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of a Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometer for Research and Training
Anthony Chianese, Chemistry, with Jacob Goldberg and Gongfang Hu

NBT Bank
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program
Nicole Simpson, Economics

New York Council on the Arts
Alternative Cinema 2023
Elizabeth Marlowe, Art & Art History

New York State Education Department
Enhancing Supports and Services for Students with Disabilities
Evelyn Lester, Disability Services

Rockwell Foundation
Center for Freedom and Western Civilization

Rockwell Foundation
Cleveland Alumni Club Scholarship