
As juniors and seniors, students may move out of their Residential Commons and make housing choices in line with their own personal interests. This may mean joining a community of peers such as a fraternity or sorority, applying for an interest house, or electing to reside in an apartment or townhouse with friends.

Housing Options and Programs

Lower Campus Residential Housing

Juniors and seniors may participate in the Junior and Senior General Housing Lottery if they would like to live in:

  • Newell Apartments 
  • Parker Apartments 
  • University Court Apartments
  • Broad Street houses 
  • Townhouses 

Please note: rising juniors and seniors will be placed in the General Lottery if they are not selected for fraternity and sorority, theme, commons social housing or private off-campus housing.

Students will receive an email with information on the lottery selection process and how to access options available to them in the .

Fraternity and Sorority Housing

Students who have joined one of the campus’ recognized fraternities or sororities may elect to seek housing within that organization’s residence. Living in a fraternity or sorority house allows students to fully engage the leadership, academic, athletic, service, and interpersonal opportunities such a community provides.

Members of the organizations can speak to chapter leaders regarding this process. 

Theme Housing

Theme housing allows individuals with shared passions to integrate them into their residential experience. Interest communities are expected to contribute opportunities and events for others outside of their interest to engage with their interest over the course of the year the community is active. Interest communities may be placed in a Broad Street house, apartments, or townhouses.

Students interested in theme housing will need to submit an application.

Commons Social Houses

Each Residential Commons has a connection to a Broad Street house where events and gatherings will take place for their Commons community. Rising juniors and seniors may apply to live in the social house on Broad Street that is affiliated with their Residential Commons.

Students interested in Commons social housing will need to submit an application.

Additional Housing Situations

Private Off-Campus Housing

A small cohort of rising seniors may apply and be accepted into privately-owned, off-campus housing in Hamilton. If students are not approved to live in off-campus housing, they should plan to participate in the on-campus housing selection process during the spring semester to live in housing on the lower campus, which includes Broad Street houses, apartments and townhouses.

Private off-campus housing eligibility and application process

Off-Campus Study Housing Process

If you are studying off-campus during the fall semester

Following the conclusion of housing selection, you may arrange to take the space of someone studying off campus in the spring with a Roommate Replacement Contract. If you do not complete such a contract, the Office of Residential Life will coordinate with you during your semester off-campus to place you in a housing assignment.

If you are studying off-campus during the spring semester

Students will participate in the normal housing selection process and can arrange a replacement for their space in the spring with a Roommate Replacement Contract.