This information is part of the .
Major Requirements
The major program consists of the following requirements:
All of the Following
- BIOL 182Ìý-ÌýMolecules, Cells, and Genes and BIOL 182LÌý(usually taken by the sophomore year)
- BIOL 361Ìý-ÌýBiochemistry of Gene Expression (another 300- or 400-level BIOL course may be substituted with approval from chemistry department chair)
- CHEM 101Ìý-ÌýGeneral Chemistry I and CHEM 101LÌý(usually completed in the first year)
- CHEM 102Ìý-ÌýGeneral Chemistry II and CHEM 102LÌý(usually completed in the first year)
- CHEM 263Ìý-ÌýOrganic Chemistry I and CHEM 263LÌý(usually completed in the sophomore year)
- CHEM 264Ìý-ÌýOrganic Chemistry II and CHEM 264LÌý(usually completed in the sophomore year)
- CHEM 336Ìý-ÌýPhysical Chemistry for the Life Sciences (in rare cases,ÌýCHEM 333Ìý or CHEM 334Ìýmay be substitutedÌýwith department chair approval)
- CHEM 353Ìý-ÌýProteins and Nucleic Acids
- CHEM 385Ìý-ÌýBiophysical Chemistry Methods
- CHEM 481Ìý-ÌýAdvanced Chemistry Research (research conducted by biochemistry majors while participating in º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½'sÌýBethesda Biomedical Research in the fall of their senior year fulfills this requirement.)
CHEM 482Ìý-ÌýAdvanced Chemistry Research
Ìý(usually completed in the spring of senior year)
ÌýNote:ÌýCHEM 111/CHEM 111L, a one-termÌýcourse designed for the well-prepared student, may be substituted for CHEM 101/CHEM 101LÌýÌý²¹²Ô»å CHEM 102/CHEM 102LÌý²¹²Ô»å facilitates an early entry into CHEM 212/CHEM 212LÌý
One of the following:
- CHEM 212Ìý-ÌýInorganic Chemistry and CHEM 212LÌý
- CHEM 214Ìý-ÌýInorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 371Ìý-ÌýInstrumental Methods
Integrated Laboratory Course
At least one of the following CHEM 380-series integrated laboratory courses:
- CHEM 381Ìý-ÌýPractical Quantitative Analysis
- CHEM 382Ìý-ÌýMolecular Spectroscopy
- CHEM 384Ìý-ÌýMolecular Dynamics
- CHEM 387Ìý-ÌýSpecial Topics: Structure and Analysis
Half-Semester Courses
At least one course credit from the half-semester courses:
- CHEM 452Ìý-ÌýMetabolic Chemistry
- CHEM 454Ìý-ÌýBioenergetics
- CHEM 456Ìý-ÌýBioinorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 468Ìý-ÌýMedicinal Chemistry
Independent Studies (CHEM 291, CHEM 391, andÌýCHEM 491) may not normally be substituted for one of the courses listed in the above requirements, but if it can be demonstrated that such a course provides sufficient breadth at the advanced level, the department will consider a petition for substitution.
Additional Requirements
Calculus Course Option
At least one course from the following:
- MATH 162Ìý-ÌýCalculus II
MATH 163Ìý-ÌýCalculus III
ÌýMATH 161Ìýis the recommended starting point for students with minimal secondary school calculus experience.
Physics Sequence
One of the following sequences (usually taken byÌýthe sophomore year):
- PHYS 111Ìý-ÌýFundamental Physics I and PHYS 111LÌý
PHYS 112Ìý-ÌýFundamental Physics II
and PHYS 112LÌý
or - PHYS 131Ìý-ÌýAtoms and Waves and PHYS 131LÌý
PHYS 232Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Mechanics
and PHYS 232LÌý
or - PHYS 232Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Mechanics Ìý²¹²Ô»å PHYS 232LÌý
- PHYS 233Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Electricity and Magnetism and PHYS 233LÌý
Seminar Series
Junior and senior majors are expected to attend a weekly seminar series at which students, faculty, and guests present topics from the current literature and their own research.
GPA Requirement
An overall GPA of at least 2.00 is required for the chemistry and biology courses (and associated labs) chosen to meet major requirements.
Honors and High Honors
Students interested in pursuing honors can find the additional requirements on the ChemistryÌýdepartmentÌýpage.
Those who wish to major in biochemistry normally take CHEM 101/CHEM 101LÌý²¹²Ô»å CHEM 102/CHEM 102LÌý(or CHEM 111/CHEM 111L) and the necessary math courses in the first year. The standard sophomore courses are CHEM 263/CHEM 263LÌý²¹²Ô»å CHEM 264/CHEM 264L, plus the year of introductory physics or BIOL 182/BIOL 182L. Typically, juniors will take CHEM 353Ìý²¹²Ô»å CHEM 385Ìýin the fall or spring semester, and CHEM 336Ìýin the spring semester. Students can elect to take either CHEM 371/CHEM 381Ìýin the fall term or CHEM 214Ìý²¹²Ô»å a CHEM 380-series integrated laboratory course CHEM 382, CHEM 384, or CHEM 387Ìýin the junior year. Seniors take CHEM 481, CHEM 482Ìýalong with one course credit from CHEM 452, CHEM 454, CHEM 456, or CHEM 468.
Chemistry Department
For more information about the department, including Faculty,Ìýtransfer credit, awards, etc.,Ìýplease visit theÌýChemistry departmentÌýcatalogÌýpage.